Environment & Sustainability
We are highly aware of the responsibility that plastics manufacturers have towards the environment. This is why we have a number of measures to mitigate our impact.
You may find it odd that a company that primarily uses plastics would be extremely involved in and aware of the impact our industry has on the environment and the issue of sustainability. Here at Dudley Associates, however, looking after the environment is a huge concern of ours and we are constantly looking for new ways to improve.
The plastics industry as a whole has come under intense scrutiny in recent years for the detrimental effect it has on the environment, especially in the world’s rivers, seas and oceans. It is for this reason why now, more than ever, we need to address these serious issues as a business and play our part in reducing the impact we have.
Unfortunately, this is not as simple as just deciding not to use plastics. This is due to the fact that plastic still harbours many benefits over alternative materials. For example, the lightweight nature of plastics will decrease the carbon footprint of the aerospace and automotive industries when compared to other materials like metals.
The issue of single use plastics has also been scrutinised heavily, with several new regulations created to curb its impact. Although we do manufacture single use plastics, these are all made for long-lasting products – such as casings on aeroplanes. We will never create single use plastics that are meant for temporary use.
Dudley Associates as a company and a group of individuals realise the immense impact we can have on the environment. As a result, we have developed a number of initiatives to ensure we have a positive, constant and consistent approach to the environment, sustainability and recycling. We also regularly monitor our efforts to seek out improvements.

Take a look at our Environment statement here

At Dudley Associates, we care deeply about sustainability and are constantly working towards achieving a circular economy. We do this by ensuring we use more recycled plastics and encouraging our suppliers and customers to do their part – while also partnering with more sustainable companies. We have also developed several initiatives, including:
Reuse & Recycle
We actively encourage customers to consider using recycled plastics for their injection moulding projects. We also regrind plastic waste to reuse on site.
Buying British
An increasing number of firms are looking to partner with British companies and we are no exception – which is why we are proud members of the Made in Britain group.
Energy Consumption
We are very conscious about having machines that run throughout the day, even when unmanned. This is why we have invested in the latest sustainable technology.