Secondary Services
On top of our unrivalled expertise with plastic injection moulding, Dudley Associates is pleased to assist our clients with a wide range of secondary services.
About Our Secondary Services
Dudley Associates is dedicated to providing our clients with a service that supports them all the way through the plastic injection moulding process. As a result, we go above and beyond when it comes to supplying you with a completed component. No matter what extras are required, you can rely on us to deliver first time, every time.
Of course, no two projects are the same, which is why we’ll take the time to understand your exact requirements and use our expertise to recommend the best solution.
Our secondary services can assist you at every stage of the plastic injection moulding process. Whether it’s inserting items into pre-moulded parts or packaging your finished product, we have the knowhow and expertise to help. Even if you’re unsure of your exact requirements, our team will go through your options and how we can help.
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Secondary Services
Drilling & Tapping
This is the process of adding holes and/or threads to reduce the complexity of the toolmaking process. It’s more commonly used in low volume moulding.
Ultrasonic Welding
Ultrasonic welding is used to join complex parts together without needing to use adhesives or other potentially aesthetically-displeasing methods.
Some injection moulding projects require the insertion of items into pre-moulded parts. These inserts are usually made out of brass or steel, but can consist of other materials.
We can cater for all your printing and payment requirements. This includes PAD and screen printing, while we also offer RF Shielding if needed.
We offer a bespoke packaging service to finish off your project to a high standard. We can either source your packaging ourselves or use what you have provided.
CNC Machining
Dudley Associates provide a wide range of CNC machining services – both manual and machine operated. Examples of our products include shop facings.