Our fully functional in-house mouldshop facility has a range of Plastic Injection Moulding machines from 35 to 300 tonnes. These consist of both Arburg and Engel machinery, the two leading suppliers of these machines.
By purchasing Arburg and Engel machinery, we give our customers the assurance that they’re products are being Plastic injection moulded using the latest technology and of the highest quality.
We actively conduct regular checks over all of our Plastic Injection Moulding machines and assess how they are working, look out for any repairs or maintenance that may be required, and ensure that they are running as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
We decided that one of our Engel moulders was nearing the end of its life and so concluded that now was a good time for this to be replaced.
Out with the Old and in with the New.

Delivery of our latest Arburg Plastic Injection Moulding machine
Having created its first Plastic injection moulding machine in the fifties, Arburg is one of the most established injection moulding machine manufacturers in the market.
We already were running a 90% Arburg mouldshop, and although the machine we were replacing was an Engel, our research resulted in Arburg coming out on top.
We have had regular contact with Arburg in the UK over the years, with their Sales engineer Roger, who sends us emails to check up on how we are doing and relevant offers. So, we felt that having this level of communication meant that post-sale, we would have a contact that would handle our enquiries, and any issues we may face would be dealt with promptly.
With this last point in mind, any downtime we may face is imperative to be dealt with efficiently so that we can ensure that our customers orders are manufactured and delivered on time.
With Arburg UK offices being based in Warwick, we feel that we are safe and secure with the knowledge that they are not far away and can be with us on site same day.
And so, we invested in a brand new 50T Gold Edition Arburg.
What does this mean for us?
New machinery means new technology. And new technology means faster speeds, better efficiency and a lesser impact on the environment. This in turns means that Dudley Associates can not only continue to offer the very best service and the highest quality products, but we can do this faster and with ease, whilst continuing our initiatives on improving our impact on the environment and increasing sustainability.
Think Plastic Injection Moulding and Tooling – Think Dudley Associates.
Written By Lucy Glover, Sales and Marketing Manager
For any Sales or Marketing information, please contact Lucy at lucy.glover@dudleyasssociates.com