Dudley Associates appoints a new Production Manager.
Our ever busy mouldshop is a demanding place to be. Machines that can run for 24 hours a day, continuously moulding.

Paul Magee
Our current production manager Paul Magee has very sadly decided to leave the business, after 14 years of commitment and hard work, working with our Plastic Injection Moulding team through business expansion, investment, and growth.
Fortunately for Dudley Associates, with the help of Paul, our team has grown from strength to strength, and we have been able to appoint one of our own mouldshop team to Production Manager.
Brett Nixon, who has been with us for almost 2 years, has taken on this role. Having previous Production and Works management experience, Brett is the ideal fit for the position.
A great asset to our team, Brett brings a wealth of experience to the company and the Production manager role.
Working alongside the different departments within the business, Brett’s responsibilities include leading the everyday operations of the moulding manufacturing facilities, ensuring customers expectations of quality standards and delivery requests are met, providing leadership and ongoing training to the mouldshop team, and ensuring safety, efficiency and sustainability is consistently met within the manufacturing environment.
We very much look forward to the future at Dudley Associates and with the help of our team managers, leaders, and team itself, from admin through sales, manufacturing, quality, and dispatch.
We are looking at a future of further expansion and growth and the continuation of support we provide our customers along with excellent customer service and superior quality products.
Written By Lucy Glover, Sales and Marketing Manager
For any Sales or Marketing information, please contact Lucy at lucy.glover@dudleyasssociates.com